American Black Journal

As the longest-running locally produced television series focusing on the African American experience, “American Black Journal” has been a premier voice and source of information for African Americans since 1968. The weekly TV show is hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Stephen Henderson.

Today’s American Black Journal is informative, inspiring and entertaining. We tackle the current issues and topics that matter to the African American community and offer solutions. We explore the history, traditions and achievements of Black Americans. And, we stay on top of the latest conversations around the arts, culture, religion, racial equality, education and more.

The History of American Black Journal

Talk show host and a guest
A collage of black leaders

Show Titles

American Black Journal, originally titled CPT (Colored People's Time), went on the air in 1968 and provided a voice for Blacks after the 1967 civil disturbance in Detroit. The show has also been titled “Detroit Black Journal.”

Two men reading


The mission of the show is to provide Black programming by and for African Americans.



The weekly show has aired consistently since 1968, providing African American perspectives on a variety of topics including history, arts, culture, politics, religion, education, labor, industry and more.


Our Host

Stephen Henderson, host of American Black Journal and “Created Equal” on WDET-101.9 FM, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. A Detroit native, he graduated from the University of Michigan and has worked for the Baltimore Sun, Chicago Tribune and Knight Ridder.

Our Producer

American Black Journal is produced by Daphne Hughes, former News Manager at Detroit’s NBC affiliate, WDIV-TV. She has produced several award-winning TV newscasts and programs, including shows for The Skillman Foundation and Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, as well as the internationally broadcast “The Dr. Nandi Show.”

Support Provided By

Cynthia & Edsel Ford
Fund for Journalism at Detroit PBS

MASCODTE FoundationNissan Foundation

And Support From Viewers Like You. Thank you.