Deported Dreamers / CEO Summit Interview / Art of Civility / Downtown Boxing Gym
Nov 23, 2017
On the next MiWeek:
- DEPORTED DREAMERS: This One Detroit report by Chastity Pratt Dawsey and Bill Kubota looks at what life is like in Mexico for the immigrants who have been deported there from the United States.
- CEO SUMMIT INTERVIEW: In this segment from the Business Leaders for Michigan CEO Summit, Christy talks with the Chairman of the National Association of Manufacturers about the challenges faced by the industry and the outlook for the future.
- ART OF CIVILITY: We take a look back at a conversation between Nolan and Stephen on WDET radio about the art of civility and how they remain friends by agreeing to disagree.
- DOWNTOWN BOXING GYM COACH: This CNN report takes a look at Coach Khali Sweeney of the Downtown Boxing Gym on Detroit’s east side and how he is making a difference in kids’ lives. Coach Khali is one of the people vying for the title of CNN Hero of the Year.
- DETROIT PERFORMS – MIKE THOMPSON: This Detroit Performs segment looks at the inspiration behind the editorial cartoons created by Mike Thompson of the Detroit Free Press.
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