Iraqi Deportation / Governor’s Race / Michigan Business Incentives
Jul 27, 2017
Tonight on MiWeek:
- IRAQI DEPORTATION: A federal judge in Detroit issues a preliminary injunction that gives Iraqi nationals picked up by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement more time to appeal impending deportations. In a special One Detroit report, we’ll hear from one of the men detained in an Ohio facility and visit with his family in Warren, Michigan.
- GOVERNOR’S RACE: The election of Michigan’s next Governor is still more than a year away, but several candidates have already amassed more than $1 million in their campaign war chests. The MiWeek team sizes up the race as it stands today.
- MICHIGAN BUSINESS INCENTIVES: Although Michigan lost out on a $10 billion Foxconn manufacturing plant, the state is reportedly still in the running for another planned project by the electronics giant. The MiWeek team looks at the role Michigan’s new business incentives package is playing in the negotiations.
- “DETROIT” THE MOVIE: Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow’s film “Detroit”” opens locally, generating even more conversation about the 1967 Detroit Rebellion. The MiWeek team talks about the movie and debates the impact it will have on Detroit’s national reputation.
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