American Black Journal – Mental Health Awareness Month, The ALICE Report, Remembering Harry Belafonte

May 2, 2023

This Week on American Black Journal:

Communities of color break down stigmas, prioritize self-care for Mental Health Awareness Month

May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of mental health, the impact of mental illness, and an individual’s overall well-being. This year, “American Black Journal” is focusing on how mental health impacts communities of color, particularly African Americans.  

According to the latest statistics from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in five adults experiences mental illness each year. The data also shows that African Americans are 20% more likely to experience struggles with their mental health compared to the general population. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the situation, leading to heightened stress, anxiety and depression.  

The good news is that there’s a growing awareness about the importance of self-care and seeking help when needed, and there are efforts to break down the stigmas surrounding mental illness in communities of color.  

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, “American Black Journal” host Stephen Henderson talks with two mental health representatives, CNS Healthcare President/CEO Michael Garrett and Judson Center Director of Integrated Health Services Jamila Stevens, about the stigma surrounding mental illness in the Black community, the increase in the number of young people experiencing mental health struggles during the pandemic, and how you can perform a mental health self-check on your own. 

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United Way ALICE Report highlights the magnitude of financial hardship for some Michigan families

A recent study from the Michigan Association of United Ways has shed light on the financial hardship some Michigan families have faced because of the pandemic. The 2023 ALICE Report shows that of the approximately four million households in the state, nearly 1.5 million or 39% — struggled to afford basic needs like housing, health care, childcare, food and transportation during the pandemic.  

As of 2022, the financial situation for ALICE households has only gotten worse. With temporary pandemic assistance funds waning and expiring, families have been left with high levels of food insufficiency, mental health struggles and continued difficulty paying bills. The impact this could have on the nation’s recovery and the next economic disruption leaves Michigan’s leaders and policymakers at a critical juncture about how to right the ship.  

“American Black Journal” host Stephen Henderson sat down with United Way for Southeastern Michigan President and CEO Dr. Darienne Hudson to talk about the findings from the ALICE report.  

They discuss the pandemic’s continued impact on Michigan families struggling to make ends meet and the racial disparities found in the report— 59% of Black and 44% of Hispanic households sat below the ALICE threshold compared to 39% of white households. ALICE stands for “Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.” 

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Remembering Harry Belafonte: The late singer, actor and activist blazed the trail toward social justice

“American Black Journal” invites you to recognize the contributions of the late Harry Belafonte with us. The trailblazing singer, actor and activist passed away April 25 at the age of 96. Enjoy stories from PBS NewsHour and others that look back on Belafonte’s life and legacy.

Harry Belafonte reflects on life as a singer, actor and activist

Harry Belafonte: To realize Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream, white America needs to change course

Harry Belafonte leveraged stardom for social change, his powerful voice always singing a song for justice

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