COVID-313 Community Coalition Virtual Town Hall Week 14

Jan 1, 1970

What about the pandemic now? A virologist has answers in this week’s COVID313 Town Hall

Dr. Oveta Fuller of the University of Michigan Medical School says if it were her children, she wouldn’t let them go to summer camp… maybe not even school this fall.

With infection rates rising in other places, how big with the second COVID-19 wave hit here? Dr. Fuller has some thoughts on that and how well those filtration units work in the many offices that have reopened.

Please join the COVID313 Virtual Town Hall for Families and Students every Thursday from 12-2pm, featuring experts talking about coronavirus, education and school updates, accessing basic needs, and keeping your family healthy.

You can watch live through the Detroit Public Television Facebook Page.

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How many interactions have you had with your local police? Some members of the COVID313 Community Coalition have stories. Were they stopped for being black, or Latino?

Hear about the frustrations and indignities in this COVID313 Town Hall highlight with Rev. Larry Simmons , Jr., Ofelia Torres of the Detroit Hispanic Development Center and Eboni Taylor of Mothering Justice.

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The weekly COVID313 Community Coalition Town Halls started in late March in response to the immediate and devastating impact of the coronavirus here in Detroit.

The coalition responded and many thousands have sought help, guidance and relief from experts and leaders locally and statewide.

Coalition members sum up what’s been done so far in this town hall highlight where you’ll hear from Detroit PBS community engagement director Marty Fischhoff, Brook Trejo of Urban Neighborhood Initiatives, Detroit Public Schools Community District Assistant Superintendent Chrystal Wilson, Eboni Taylor of Mothering Justice, Molly Sweeney of 482Forward and Pastor Larry Simmons of Baber Memorial AME Church.

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Culturally, so many things are created from a white perspective, many times presented in ways with bias that can be seen as anti-Black.

Hear some tips in this town hall highlight for white and Black families to counter the anti-Blackness inherent in what our children might read, see and hear from Sam Jorgenson and Danielle Slaughter of Mothering Justice.

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