COVID313 Community Coalition Virtual Town Hall Week 34

Nov 16, 2020

Please join the COVID313 Virtual Town Hall for Families and Students every Thursday starting at noon, featuring experts talking about coronavirus, education and school updates, accessing basic needs, and keeping your family healthy.

You can watch live through the Detroit Public Television Facebook Page.

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Detroit Public Schools go back to virtual. The charters may be going the same way.

November 12, 2020 – Just announced, the Detroit Public Schools Community District has decided to go back to online learning as the COVID-19 infection numbers rise.

One Detroit charter schools leader told the COVID313 Virtual Town Hall she thinks the charters appear to be going the same route.
Danielle Jackson, who leads the University Prep Schools said, “We know when the COVID virus affects a home it disrupts everybody’s life.”

Her concern know if for the socio-emotional well-being of her students and families.

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Detroit’s Proposal N just won. Find out what’s next with the mayor’s demolition plans.

Proposal N let’s Detroit borrow $250 million dollars through a bond sale to continue taking down abandoned houses while rehabbing others

Detroit Free Press investigative reporter Joe Guillen has been covering city hall since Mayor Mike Duggan was elected.

In this week’s COVID313 Virtual Town Hall Guillen explains what’s next for Proposal N, which saw very vocal opposition but easily passed in the recent election.

While past demolition funding kept the city from offering incentives that could award contracts to minority contractors, Guillen said the mayor has touted Proposal N because it would allow the city give more work to those businesses.

“The mayor feels like the 70 percent vote he got is a sign of confidence that residents are going to continue to let him go forward on this,” Guilllen said.

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The Detroit Public Schools Community District Board of Education vote… that happened too. Hear what’s next.

While the focus on Detroit’s election has been about how the vote for President, three people were also elected to the Detrot Public Schools Community District Board of Education.

Chalkbeat Detroit’s Eleanore Catolico provides insight regarding the winners in the week’s COVID313 Virtual Town Hall.

Some had suggested this election could be a referendum on how DPSCD Superintendent Nikolai Vitti is performing.

“The results of this election,” Catolico said, “could certainly indicate that the community is happy with what the district is doing moving forward.”

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