COVID313 Community Coalition Virtual Town Hall Week 36

Dec 8, 2020

Please join the COVID313 Virtual Town Hall for Families and Students every Thursday starting at noon, featuring experts talking about coronavirus, education and school updates, accessing basic needs, and keeping your family healthy.

You can watch live through the Detroit Public Television Facebook Page.

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COVID fatigue and some ways to fight it

December 3, 2020 – “The COVID fatigue is real,” said Dr. Oveta Fuller in fht University of Michigan Medical School.

Its a matter of staying vigilant. “Whenever yo go out of the home,” Fuller said, “don’t be afraid to tell someone ‘I need you to step back’. These things make a difference.”

In this week’s COVID313 Virtual Town Hall Dr. Fuller suggested taking some days off work and school and perhaps plan a ’stay-cation’ with activities that can be done at home.

Those activities could be what families could never make time for in the past, like telling stories and documenting family histories.

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Faith and healing while in the depths of the pandemic

As we slog through the depths of the pandemic “we’re in a wilderness experience right how,” said Rev. Mayowa Reynolds of the Fellowship Chapel in Detroit.

Reynolds joined Rev. Larry Simmons of the Baber Memorial AME Church in Detroit to offer ways to find healing through faith in this week’s COVID313 Virtual Town Hall.

“We should not tempt God,” Rev. Reynolds said, “I want to encourage us to wear your mask.”

The stresses of a new way of life in these times come with new considerations.

“Your have the authority to decide to turn the TV off,” Rev. Simmons said, “You have the authority to say to the teacher ‘my baby can’t handle this today, I’ll check back in with you next week’.”

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December status report: the COVID-19 vaccines and testing

Vaccinations appear to be right around the corner. What then?

Wayne State University’s Phillip Levy, MD answers questions raised in the latest COVID313 Virtual Town Hall about vaccine safety and the accuracy of different of COVID-19 tests administered today.

The efficacy of the vaccine for young children has yet to be fully determined according to Dr. Levy. “There are some younger aged trials being planned,” he said, “but they’re not initiated yet.”

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