COVID313 – Rental Assistance, Vaccine Mandates
Sep 16, 2021
This Week’s COVID313 Town Hall Features:
As vaccine eligibility broadens across the state, what may new vaccine mandates look like for individuals and businesses? And what rental assistance is out available for those who have experienced job loss or other financial down-turns throughout the pandemic?
Dr. Philip Levy, MD, chief innovation officer of Wayne Health, joins the town hall to talk about how vaccine mandates might begin to play out for employers and their employees, and he provides an update on the status of hospital room capacities. Plus, he discusses the importance of individuals knowing their own health rights.
Then, Chief Housing Solutions Officer Kelly Rose, Michigan State Housing Development Authority, and Kelli Maki Foster, the director of Detroit eviction prevention for Lake Shore Legal, provide information about rental and housing rights, as well as COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) funds, for people concerned about or facing eviction.
Town Hall Participants:
- Dr. Philip Levy, MD, Chief Innovation Officer, Wayne Health
- Kelly Rose, Chief Housing Solutions Officers, Michigan State Housing Development Authority
- Kelli Maki Foster, Director of Detroit Eviction Prevention, Lake Shore Legal
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