WATCH NOW: Fulcrum Conference 2019
Nov 13, 2019
Get Ready for the Future of Work
The Ford Foundation and Detroit PBS welcome Fulcrum to Detroit
Conference to prepare us today for where work is going tomorrow
Wednesday, November 13 from 8am-12pm
You know the world of work is changing rapidly. Headlines scream that robots and software are taking jobs. Technology is transforming how, where and when we work. The pace of change seems to be growing faster and faster.
But we can build a better future – together. At the inaugural Fulcrum Conference, people representing workers, employers, communities, schools, foundations, investors and startups will all come together to collaborate on solutions for a positive future of work.
Detroit Public TV livestreamed the kickoff of the event on Wednesday, November 13.
Fulcrum is sponsored by the Ford Foundation, with support from Google.org and other organizations.
Highlights of the Fulcrum Conference include:
- World-class speakers such as CEO of the Consumer Technology Association (and Detroit resident), the CEO of Shinola, the heads of Diversity & Inclusion from IBM and Time Warner, and the Chair for Corporate Innovation from global think tank Singularity University.
- Representatives from worker organizations like United for Respect, Jobs to Move America, Good Jobs Institute and the Independent Drivers Guild.
- Community leaders from throughout Detroit and the region, and from across the country.
- Representatives from innovative future-of-work initiatives from around the world, including Canada, China and Ethiopia.
- A pre-conference workshop on Human-Centered Design for Communities.
- A special public screening of “Road Trip Nation,” a one-hour film from the popular PBS and Detroit Public TV show.
At Fulcrum, you’ll learn how to understand the exponential changes occurring around us, and how to prepare your organization, your community and yourself for the future of work.
- ANDREA DEHLENDORF, Co-Executive Director
- MICHELLE R. WEISE, Ph.D.Senior Vice President,Workforce Strategies and Chief Innovation Officer, Strada Institute for the Future of Work
- PETER HIRSHBERG, CEO & Co-founder oLighthouse
- MICHELLE MILLER, Co-founder oCoworker.org
- DAVID LI, Executive Director Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab
- APRIL RINNE, Founder April Worldwide
- SARAH DAY KALLOCH, Executive Director Good Jobs Institute
- SEAN HINTON, Founder & CEO SkyHive
- SUSAN MCPHERSON, Founder & CEO McPherson Strategies
- WINGHAM ROWAN, Founder BeyondJobs.com
- MARISSA LOWMAN, Head of Future of Work Practice Village Capital
- JOHN O’DUIN, Author, Distributed Teams: The Art and Practice of Working Together While Physically Apart
- LEILA TOPLIC, Lead for Emerging Technologies NetHope
- MATT DUNNE, Center on Rural Innovation (CORI)
- MADELINE JANIS, Co-founder & Executive Director Jobs to Move America
- NIDA ATSHAN OSEI, SVP Strategy & Development Localized
- JOSE GARCIA, Program Manager for the Future of Work(ers)Ford Foundation
- MURIEL CLAUSON, Founder Oppticity
- GARY SHAPIRO, President & CEO Consumer Technology Association
- ALLANA AKHTAR, Jobs Reporter Business Insider
- GARY A. BOLLES, Fulcrum Conference Catalyst Partner, Charrette LLCChair for the Future of Work, Singularity University Co-founder, eParachute.com
- SARITA GUPTA, DirectorFuture of Work(ers) Program Ford Foundation
- TONYA MATTHEWS, Associate Provost for Inclusive Workforce Development & Director of the STEM Learning Innovation CenterWayne State University
- ANNETTE BERNHARDT, Director Low-Wage Wage Worker Program UC Berkeley Labor Center
- M. ROY WILSON, President Wayne State University
- KELLYN BLOSSOM, Head of Public Policy Thumbtack
- MARKUS HUNT, Principal The Logan School
- BERNITA BRADLEY, Roadtripper PBS Roadtrip Nation &The Village PCL Faculty Chair of Corporate Innovation Singularity University Vice President for Economic Development at Wayne State & President and CEO of TechTown United for Respect
- NICK SMOOT, Founder Innovation Collective
- OSHOKE PAMELA ABALU, Co-Founder Love+Magic Company
- ANDREW DUNCKELMAN, Head of Education & Economic Opportunity Google.org
- KRISTIN SHARP, Partner, Entangled Solutions & Former Director, Work, Workers & Technology Initiative New America Foundation
- GISELLE MOTA, Principle Consultant on the Future of WorkADPn
- HAMOON EKHTIARI, Founder & CEO Audacious Futures
- LINDSEY KNEUVEN, Chief Impact Officer, Pluralsight Executive Director, Pluralsight One
- PALAK SHAH, Social Innovations Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance & Founding Director NDWA Labs
- CHINEDU ECHERUO, Co-Founder Love+Magic Company
- SUSANNE MARIE BRUYERE, Director, K. Lisa Yang & Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment & DisabilityCornell University
- GREG BRODSKY, Founder & Executive DirectorStart.coop
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