Greater Alexander & the Greater Impact House

Nov 10, 2020

Will Glover speaks with Alexander Vlahos, also known as Greater Alexander, about his music and the arts residency he’s working to set up in Detroit called the Greater Impact House.


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Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  Well, let the smoke be cleared away; and fight another pressure day.

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  And let the darkness lead the way; when darkest hours make you stray.

Will Glover  What is the greater impact house; where is it?  What’s the idea behind it?

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  Yes, so essentially, it’s like it’s going to be an artist residency where I’m sort of your host, kind of like think of like an Airbnb or like a place or a studio that you kind of come to stay and not only observe the artists, but kind of learn from the host as well.  And, you know, provide an environment that is almost too surreal, because the Greater Impact House is in a very desolate area.  And it’s also right down the street from downtown, like you can walk to Motown Museum, but at the same time you see just how much of the infrastructure of Detroit still needs work.  And it’s not that I’m trying to save a part of the city either, I’m just trying to provide what’s available.  And at the same time, if I can get you into the environment and then show you, give you some organizational skills and just stuff that I’ve learned in the last 40 years that has enhanced my experience of living, then why not?

Will Glover  It’s not a rehabilitation house or anything like that. You take in a property in Detroit and it’s a house that you’re renovating.  And the goal is to be able to have artists, you know, apply to be a resident. So, they’ll live in that house for however long and then when they do that, that’s when you’re saying they can learn from you, learn how to grow as an artist and you’re just trying to provide this surreal and healthy environment for that, correct?

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  Absolutely, yep.

Will Glover  Once this house is finished, how will artists who are at that point where they’re serious about what they want to do, they want an environment they can learn and grow, and how can they apply to be a part of the Greater Impact House?  And when do you think that might be able to happen for some people?

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  Sure, well if the resources come in like I imagine they’re going to come in, then it will probably be potentially by the year 20, end of year 2021.  And we’re going to do as much as we can to get as many grants as possible or, you know, who knows, maybe I might just get that one licensing placement that plans everything for a contract.  But until that happens, I’m still at the helm of asking for donations and service and whatever anybody can provide to get the resources of income so that I can continue the process of building.

Will Glover  And so for anyone who might be watching, where could they go if they wanted to help in some way to support, you know, the mission of the Greater Impact House?

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  Yes, that’s just  You know, you can support as little as a dollar and you’re getting 80 songs and 80 pieces of art that I’ve been trying to create since the coronavirus pandemic.  And that was like my last like, okay, I can’t, the campaign was supposed to release in March and like, I can’t do that, so what can I do?  So, I just started creating a minute of melody every day.

Will Glover  How important is music to the country right now through your lens with everything that’s going on from the pandemic to the country trying to grapple with systemic racism?

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  Sure, I mean, music, that’s the deepest penetrator of, it gets to the soul, you know.  So, if you’re not listening or are having trouble comprehending something, then the answer could be received through music.  And being just one small blip of that for as far as providing something to raise awareness within somebody, then that’s what I’m here to do.  I’m here to just be creative alongside other creatives and transmute this systematic issue that’s been compounded for centuries.  Like, you know, a lot of people just don’t realize that black lives never mattered. Like we had, we’ve had this issue and Detroit is actually like a very huge force of showing you that.  When you start like seeing that reflected into Detroit, you can see why the city needs or would love the idea of being hugged.  And if you can do it with music, then do it with music, you know.

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  And let the darkness lead the way; when darkest hours make you stray.

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  You’ll let your essence feel its path; internal guidance shines at last.

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  So let the smoke be cleared away; and soon you’ll see the present day.

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  With every breath the sun will rise, with every breath the sun will set.

Greater Alexander, Musician, Founder, Greater Impact House  So let your actions lead your heart; and let your mind be laid to rest.

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