All who look to me are welcome
Jan 1, 1970
The combination of a clear vision and sheer force of will from one person can change the course of countless lives. We’ve seen it from Focus HOPE’s Father Cunningham, and from the Reverend Charleszetta Waddles (Mother Waddles).
In Detroit’s Islandview neighborhood, Church of the Messiah Pastor Barry Randolph’s vision and force of will is transforming his congregation and the surrounding community.
“We were so traditional that we did not allow the people in the community to feel like a part.”
– Pastor Barry
It’s hard to believe that in 2008 the average age of a parishioner was 56, the church was faltering and on the verge of closing its doors. To turn the church around, Pastor Barry did away with church tradition and looked to the young to supplement his congregation.
[et_pb_video _builder_version=”3.12.2″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdShovhRZE0″ /]
Empowerment, Education, Employment, Enlightenment and Entertainment
Today Islandview is an integral part of the economic revitalization of Detroit, and Pastor Barry’s BLVD Harambee Empowerment Center is at the heart of that transformation.
Established as a non-profit organization, BLVD (B=Building, L=Leaders, for V=Village, D=Development) Harambee (“all pull together” in Swahili) provides young people in the neighborhood with life skills and connects them with the resources to inspire an entrepreneurial spirit.
In the tradition of Father Cunningham and Mother Waddles, Pastor Barry Randolph is leaving an indelible mark on his community.
My Detroit: Pastor Barry Randolph video, provided by Vassar College
Featured image provided by Michael Sellers
Editor’s note: Last week vandals broke into the Church of the Messiah, click here (insert link) to learn more about this development.
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