COVID recovery, chronic absenteeism, and a $700 million building campaign: DPSCD Supt. Dr. Nikolai Vitti discusses district’s future
Oct 27, 2022
In the decades before Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) Superintendent Dr. Nikolai Vitti was hired, Detroit had one of the most challenged school districts in America. In his first three years, Vitti was able to make major improvements to turn the district around, but then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, sidelining much of the progress being made.
Now in his sixth school year, following a three-year contract extension through June 30, 2025, how does Vitti plan to steer the district back on course and into a prosperous future? One Detroit contributor Stephen Henderson sits down with Dr. Nikolai Vitti for a wide-ranging conversation.
RELATED: One Detroit Town Hall: A Comprehensive Conversation With DPSCD Superintendent Dr. Nikolai Vitti
Coming to viewers live from the School at Marygrove, Vitti talks with Henderson about COVID-19’s impact on chronic absenteeism and student achievement, how the district will spend an unprecedented $700 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds on building infrastructure, and what the future holds for the district’s students and staff.
This conversation is presented in conjunction with the release of the DPSCD documentary, “We Went to Work, Courage Over COVID,” which details the district‘s efforts to help students and their families get through the pandemic. Watch the full One Detroit Town Hall conversation here.
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