Last Year’s Flooding Damage Leaves Some Detroiters Still Waiting for Federal Aid, Repairs

Rainy weather has returned once again to Michigan, but some Detroit homeowners are still trying to clean up the flooding damage to their homes from last year’s major rain events, and they’re still waiting for financial assistance. Many of the residents affected by Southeast Michigan’s heavy rainfall last year have paid out of their own pockets to repair the flooding damage left behind.

According to a report by the Detroit Free Press, nearly 39,000 Detroit households have received federal aid for repairs, but thousands more are still waiting to hear if their claims will be accepted or already have been denied. One Detroit contributors Stephen Henderson of “American Black Journal” and Nolan Finley of The Detroit News connect for a discussion about the flooding damage Detroit homeowners are still dealing with, the current state of the city’s infrastructure and the risks of heavy rain we may see in the future.


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