One Detroit – Japanese Mochitsuki, History of Hinduism, City of Champions, Xiao Dong Wei

May 30, 2022

Originally posted on May 28, 2021. Updated on May 30, 2022. 

This Week on One Detroit, Arts & Culture:

Making Mochitsuki: A Japanese New Year’s Tradition

This prominent Japanese tradition involves pounding in the New Year with fresh mochi, rice smashed into a gooey paste and molded into round cakes, then eaten for good luck. The One Detroit team takes a trip to a metro Detroit community center where the Japanese American Citizens League of Detroit hosts their second annual mochitsuki party.

One Detroit learns about the history of this Japanese New Year’s tradition and how making mochitsuki has changed with time and advancements in technology.

Religious Diversity Journeys | Hinduism: The 3rd Largest Religion in the World

As the third-largest religion in the world, with over 1.2 billion members, Hinduism is one of the most ancient religions we have today. Here in Michigan, the Hindu community continues to grow. As part of the Interfaith Leadership Council of Metro Detroit‘s Religious Diversity Journey series, student Kennedy visits the Hindu Temple of Canton, in Canton, Michigan, to learn about the history, traditions and values that Hindus practice in their religion.

RELATED: Watch more from the Religious Diversity Journey series

Venkatesha Hollabbi, the hold elder for the Hindu Temple of Canton, takes Kennedy on a journey through multiple sessions to learn more about the traditional Hindu greeting of Namaste, the misconceptions that are associated with Hinduism, the two values of karma and dharma, and what it means to worship in the Hindu religion.

The Real City of Champions

Head back in time to when Detroit was officially named the city of champions. In 1935-36, the Tigers, Lions and Red Wings all came out on top in one magical sports season, and boxer Joe Louis was on the rise. One Detroit’s Bill Kubota has more on how one Detroit sports season gave rise to Detroit’s dominance as one of the greatest sports towns out there.

Erhuist Xiao Dong Wei, of Madame XD, Discusses Concert of Colors Performance

Music has the ability to bring people of different backgrounds, cultures and perspectives together. It’s been the core principle behind Detroit’s Concert of Colors, and a core belief of erhuist Xiao Dong Wei, whose band Madame XD has performed at Concert of Colors.
One Detroit Associate Producer Will Glover sits down with Xiao Dong Wei to learn more about the difference between the erhu and western string instruments, as well as what it means to be part of Concert of Colors as a global musician.
Plus, Xiao Dong Wei shares how she’s kept busy as a musician during the COVID-19 pandemic, her advice for aspiring musicians just getting started and how Concert of Colors helps shine a light on other social, political and humanitarian issues in the world.


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