Resources to Help Caregivers
May 26, 2023
Caregiving Resources
Even in the best of times, caregiving can be incredibly stressful. These resources can help.
National Organizations:
U.S. Administration on Aging: This federal agency can connect families with services for older adults through eldercare.acl.gov or 800-677-1116.
Administration for Community Living: This federal effort helps families find support services and programs that help keep those in need of care in their homes as long as possible. Visit acl.gov.
Family Caregiver Alliance: This nonprofit provides families of people with physical and cognitive impairments information on care planning and services, wellness programs, respite services and more. Visit caregiver.org.
Alzheimer’s Association: See the association’s dementia navigator at alzheimersnavigator.org and link to resources at alz.org/crf.
AARP: The online Resources for Caregivers (aarp.org/caregiving ) page shares tips on subjects that include home care, having difficult conversations with loved ones and finding the best level of care for someone who needs it. Reach the all-hours resource line at 877-333-5885.
Caregiving planning: Link to a free portal, with a step-by-step approach to better caregiving at newyork-caregivers.com; you will need to create a sign-on and password.
National Alliance on Mental Illness: Tips, programs and support groups for those with mental health needs and their loved ones. Its website, nami.org, has a resources link for families and caregivers of those with mental health challenges. Its helpline can be reached from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at 800-950-6264.
The New York & Michigan Solutions Journalism Collaborative has published a caregiver resource guide, a list of online resources meant to help current and prospective caregivers of older adults. Visit nymisojo.com.
Southwest Michigan Organizations:
Kalamazoo County Older Adults Services Division: Offers social workers to help people evaluate needs and review resources, programs and organizations that can help. https://www.kalcounty.com/hcs/aaa/.
PACE of Southwest Michigan: PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) is a solution for seniors who struggle with health issues that may jeopardize their independence; this work provides caregiver relief. Contact PACE of Southwest Michigan at www.paceswmi.org/caregiver-support
Caregiver Action Network –The nation’s leading family caregiver association providing education, peer support and resources. http://www.caregiveraction.org
Synergy Health Center offers in-person and online mental health services, with a particular attention to African Americans in Kalamazoo. Visit https://synergykzoo.org/ or call 269-323-1954.
Kalamazoo County Area on Aging: Programming assists older adults and their caregivers with access to services, health education classes, advocacy, elder abuse prevention and support for individuals living at home independently. Visit their site: https://www.kalcounty.com/hcs/aaa/caregivers.html
Integrated Services of Kalamazoo: Provides an array of services and resources that support youth, families, and adults with mental illnesses, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders. Find them online https://iskzoo.org/ or call them 24 hours at 269-373-6000 or 888-373-6200.
Cass County Council on Aging offers a support group for those caring with patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Caregivers of all ages can learn, grow, and share with others. Care can be provided for loved ones for free during the twice-monthly meetings. Visit the website: https://www.casscoa.org/event/dementia-caregivers-support-group or call 269-445-8110.
St. Joseph County Council on Aging has a new monthly program called Serving up Knowledge, and other support for caregivers, including respite care. Visit https://sjccoa.com. Call 269-279-8083 or 800-641-9899.
Comforts of Home Counseling has counseling services in Battle Creek for caregivers and others, including telehealth options. Visit https://www.comfortsofhomecounseling.com/specialized-services/caregiver-support/ or call 269-964-0153.
Southeast Michigan Organizations:
Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan: This statewide nonprofit will help connect you to your closest program offering a wide range of programs for older adults.Visit https://4ami.org/
Alternatives for Seniors: This resource guide lists home-based services for older adults.
The Helm at the Boll Life Center. This Grosse Pointe Farms-based nonprofit offers medical equipment loan program, transportation, meals on wheels, rides to health appointments and other help. Connect with them at https://helmlife.org/services-support/
University of Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Center offers programs and support groups. Find out more here: https://alzheimers.med.umich.edu/
Wayne State University’s Institute for Gerontology offers caregiver tips, including videos. Find out more at https://iog.wayne.edu/resources
Additional Resource Links:
- Mobility challenges? How to make your home more accessible
- How to screen potential in-home caregivers
- Legal advice for caregivers
- View the additions made to Medicare plans in 2023
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